Embodied Carbon Action Plan

Currently in draft form, this plan outlines the key steps and actions necessary to reduce embodied carbon of the buildings we design, construct and operate. It has been spearheaded and informed by ownersCAN, a working group of engaged building owners, developers and operators who are committed to taking action. This is intended to be a constantly improving resource and we welcome input and recommendations on additional resources to include.

Interact with the image below, and be sure to click here to access an interactive web-based flip book, with embedded links to resources. You can also download a pdf with the same functionality!

      Owner Construction Manager Sustainability Consultant Architect Structural Engineer General Contractor A1-A3 Cradle to Gate A4 Transportation A5 Installation B Use C End of Life  
Project Phase Sub-Phase Chapter  
First Steps Pre-Design Setting embodied carbon benchmarks and targets 1 X X       x x x x x  
Demonstrating market demand for low carbon materials 2 X X X X X x          
Preconstruction Concept / Schematic Design Requiring embodied carbon accounting for projects 3 X         x x x x x  
Using embodied carbon data to inform systems level design X X X X X   x x x x x  
Design Development Setting a bill of materials for embodied carbon tracking X X X     X x x x x x  
Creating an upfront carbon estimate X X X     X X          
Creating low carbon specifications X X X X X   X     X X  
Construction Documents Refining the upfront carbon estimate X X X     X X          
Refining low carbon specifications X X X X X   X     X X  
Construction Procurement Creating low carbon bid documents X X X     X X X X   X  
Including embodied carbon data in bid leveling X X X     X X          
Construction Tracking realized embodied carbon of materials in construction X X X     X X          
Minimizing transportation carbon emissions X X       X   X        
Minimizing construction site carbon emissions X X       X     X      
Minimizing construction waste X X       X         X  
Operations Use/Replacement Minimizing replacement of materials X X X X           X    
End of Life/
Promoting a circular economy X X X X X         X X  

Who does What? (Header)

Who does What?

Reducing embodied carbon spans all phases of a building, from pre-design to its end of life. 

It also requires engagement from all  stakeholders, from the Owner’s Team to the Design Team and General Contractor.

This plan outlines where each key stakeholder has some responsibility or role in implementing embodied carbon reduction on a building project.


What stages, when? (Header)

What stages, when?

Embodied carbon is comprised of multiple stages of emissions impacts.

All of these stages are important to consider when looking at embodied carbon reduction across a building’s life. 

Each stage comprises a different percentage of total impacts and is informed and reduced by various Chapters included in this plan.


The Owner and Construction Manager (Col)

The Owner and their Construction Manager (if applicable) play an integral role throughout every phase and chapter of embodied carbon reduction. 

Owners first need to understand the full process of embodied carbon accounting and reduction, as well as the key stakeholders they should lean on to create and provide the information they need to take action.

With the appropriate embodied carbon data provided to them at the various phases of their project, Owners can make informed low carbon decisions.


The Sustainability Consultant (Col)

The Sustainability Consultant can be the Owner’s right hand person when it comes supporting the work necessary to first set benchmarks and targets, then manage the process of accounting for and reducing embodied carbon, through all phases of a building’s life.

If engaging a sustainability consultant on a project, finding someone with knowledge of  whole building life cycle assessment (WBLCA) and low carbon specification and procurement can be an asset. 


Architect (Col)

The Architect plays a key role in the embodied carbon assessment of design and material choices. They are the conduit between an Owner’s embodied carbon commitments and targets and the low carbon building systems and material selections that meet all of the design, program and performance requirements that an Owner specifies.

It is helpful to select an architect with expertise in using WBLCA tools early in design, as well as implementing low carbon specifications and materials selections in the later stages. 


Structural Engineer (Col)

The Structural Engineer plays a vital role in understanding and reducing the embodied carbon impacts of some of the highest emissions building materials.

They can provide embodied carbon reduction strategies and options to optimize structural materials systems in early design phases, and inform low carbon structural material specifications in the later stages. 

Selecting a structural engineer with expertise in building WBLCA and low carbon material  specifications can be a key step in reducing embodied carbon.


General Contractor (Col)

The General Contractor, if engaged during the design phase, plays a key role in supporting design team partners in providing material carbon data alongside cost data in estimates at key design phase milestones. 

During procurement, the GC can ensure that the necessary carbon disclosure is provided at time of bid, and then track realized embodied carbon impacts of products during construction.

This enables Owners to make fully informed material choices and understand their realized embodied carbon impacts and reductions once the project is complete.


A1-A3 Cradle to Gate (Col)

A1-A3 are the emissions associated with the cradle to gate manufacturing of a product, and comprise the largest percentage of emissions impacts for major building materials.

Including reduction of A1-A3 emissions in an embodied carbon reduction plan is critical to encourage the manufacture of low carbon building materials, as well as enable tracking of realized embodied carbon emissions at the product and material level.

By specifying and procuring materials that report lower A1-A3 impacts, it also incentivizes manufacturers to understand their supply chain emissions and include material reuse, reducing their product emissions.


A4 Transportation (Col)

A4 includes the emissions contributed by transportation of materials from the manufacturer to the project site. 

These emissions can be a relatively small percentage of impact for materials with high A1-A3 manufacturing emissions, but grow for materials with low A1-A3 emissions contributions. 

Transport emissions are typically averaged in WBLCA assessments, but can become very specific to a project during late design and construction, when manufacturer plant locations are known, and material deliveries, including mode of transportation and fuel use can be tracked. 


A5 Installation (Col)

A5 includes the emissions contributed by equipment and electricity use on a project’s construction site. 

These emissions are typically a small impact compared to other stages, but are important when thinking about pollution and emissions impacts to workers on the site and the community surrounding the project. 

Construction site emissions are typically averaged in WBLCA assessments, but can become very specific to a project during construction, when the General Contractor can track real equipment fuel use and site electrical consumption.


B Use (Col)

B includes the emissions contributed by material replacements during a building’s use phase.

These emissions can become a substantial amount of the total emissions impact depending on performance and service life of the materials installed, and the Owner’s typical replacement cycles for materials like interior finishes.

Use emissions are typically averaged in WBLCA assessments, but can be calculated more specifically when product options are known and product specific emissions factors can be used to multiply by the anticipated number of replacements. 


C End of Life (Col)

C includes the emissions contributed by the deconstruction and disposal of building materials at the end of a building’s life.

These emissions can vary based on the end of life scenario for each material, and the type of disposal or reuse.

End of life emissions are typically averaged in WBLCA assessments, but can become very specific to a project, particular to buildings that are being demolished as part of the project.

Care should be taken to think through the deconstruction and disposal of any building being demolished as part of a new build.


Pre-Desing (Col)

1. Establish an embodied carbon benchmark and scope.

2. Request that suppliers provide product-specific, facility-specific EPDs


Concept/schematic design(Col)

1. Describe intent to minimize embodied carbon in project.

2. Include tracking and reducing embodied carbon in project team requirements.

3. Conduct a whole-building life cycle analysis (WBLCA) to optimize design and materials


Design Development (Col)

1. Utilize WBCLA tool results (alongside cost) to inform selection of systems and materials.

2. Create a product stage (A1-A3) embodied carbon estimate.

3. Set a specific list of materials to include in low carbon specifications.


Construction Documents(Col)

1. Refine the product stage (A1-A3) emissions carbon estimate.

2. Refine low carbon specifications based on final material and product selection.



1. Create standard embodied carbon bid language for included material categories.

2. Utilize embodied carbon data alongside cost data to inform selection of bidders.



1. Create an as-built project to report realized embodied carbon.

2. Implement a materials sourcing and fuels plan with suppliers of major materials.

3. Implement a construction site emissions reduction plan.

4. Implement a construction waste diversion plan to reduce materials to landfill.



1. During Design Phase, include analysis of durability and performance of materials in selection process.

2. During Use Phase, promote longer replacement cycles of materials.


End of Life(Col)

1. During Design Phase, include analysis of materials salvage, reuse and deconstruction for new and existing buildings included in scope.

2. During Construction Phase, require high percentage diversion from landfill in requirements to General Contractors.


Setting emb carbon (Col)

Establish an embodied carbon benchmark and scope.

Key Action(s): Utilize completed projects with material quantity and material data to backcast projects into a selected embodied carbon analysis tool, or group of tools.

1. Select the embodied carbon analysis tool(s) you will use as a standard accounting method, for both benchmarking and project specific work.
2. Create a list of materials to include in embodied carbon accounting scope.
3. Locate project data (material quantities and selected materials data) to create representative projects.
4. Utilize reported embodied carbon kgCO2e/sf or sm for backcasted projects to set project benchmarks.
5. Utilize outputs from selected tools (if possible) to inform embodied carbon reduction targets and material optimization.
Whole building life cycle assessment tools:
Supply Chain Low Carbon Specification and Procurement/Carbon Estimating Tools:
Carbon Leadership Forum Embodied Carbon Benchmark Study:


Pre-design 2(Col)

Request that suppliers provide product-specific, facility-specific EPDs

Key Action(s): Letter to suppliers from all key project/organizational stakeholders requesting suppliers begin producing product specific, facility specific Type III, third party verified EPDs, with the ultimate goal of EPDs demonstrating "optimization".
1. Create list of suppliers you typically specify/procure/purchase from.
2. Use the EC3 tool to determine if they have product specific EPDs in place.
3. Set up calls or meetings with suppliers who do not have product specific EPDs to educate them on embodied carbon and request EPDs.
4. Send official EPD request letter to suppliers to formalize ask and build the business case for investment in EPDs.
Video on how to use EC3 tool to find EPDs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8epWK74-quQ&t=171s


Concept/Design 1(Col)

Describe Intent to Minimize Embodied Carbon in Project.
Include tracking and reducing embodied carbon in project team requirements.
Key Action(s): Include requirements for tracking and reducing embodied carbon in RFPs and contract language for project partners (AEC, etc).
1. Include questions around experience in completing Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment (WBLCA) and Low Embodied Carbon Specification and Procurement in RFP requirements and scoring.
2. Include requirements for completing WBLCA and Low Embodied Carbon Specification and Procurement in contracts with project partners (AEC, etc).


Concept/Design 2(Col)

Conduct a whole-building life cycle analysis (WBLCA) to optimize design and materials.
Key Actions:  Include completion of WBLCA in project team scope and deliverables.
1. Assign a team member to manage the WBLCA.
2. Complete a WBLCA at conceptual and schematic design milestones.
3. Study material systems using WBLCA tools and optimize choices based on results.
Resources: ownersCAN to share case study(s) of use of WBLCA tool in early design to optimize design and materials


Design Development 1(Col)

Utilize WBCLA tool results (alongside cost) to inform selection of systems and materials.

Key Actions:  Incorporate reporting of WBLCA analysis on carbon impacts of system and materials options in decision making.

1. Run systems and materials level options through WBLCA tool to provide embodied carbon emissions data on options.
2. Present embodied carbon emissions data alongside cost to inform decision making on systems and materials to be used.
3. Make decisions on materials and systems to be used, using cost and carbon data.
Resources:  ownersCAN to share case study of use of WBLCA tool in early design to optimize design and materials.


Design Development 2(Col)

Create a product stage (A1-A3) emissions carbon estimate.

Key Actions:  Create an EC3 project for selected materials.
1. Utilize Construction Estimate or BIM produced materials quantities for inputs into EC3 project.
2. Assign collections of EPDs per material category to create a conservative estimate and an achievable target per material category for the project's product stage emissions.
Video on how to create a project in the EC3 tool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y49z7l6kco8

Microsoft Whitepaper, "Reducing Embodied Carbon in Construction"


Design Development 3(Col)

Set a specific list of materials to include in low carbon specifications.

Key Actions:  Utilize the EC3 tool to inform materials to include and language to use in specifications.
1. Utilize EC3 project Sankey diagram to inform high impact material categories, and available emissions reductions.
2. Utilize the EC3 find & compare materials feature to source EPDs for products within material categories that meet performance/design requirements.
3. If products have EPDs already, require them in the specifications.
4. If products don't have EPDs already, request them from suppliers.
Resources:  Building Transparency to update standard specifications templates based on new projects and examples, for major material categories.


Construction Documents 1(Col)

Refing the product stage (A1-A3) emissions carbon estimate.

Key Actions:  Refine the EC3 project for selected materials.
1. Utilize Construction Estimate or BIM produced materials quanities for inputs into EC3 project.
2. Assign collections of EPDs per material category to create a conservative estimate and an achievable target per material category for the project's product stage emissions.
Video on how to create a project in the EC3 tool: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y49z7l6kco8

Microsoft Whitepaper, "Reducing Embodied Carbon in Construction"


Construction Documents 2(Col)

Refine low carbon specifications based on final material and product selection.

Key Actions:  Utilize the EC3 tool to inform materials to include and language to use in specifications.
1. Utilize EC3 project Sankey diagram to inform high impact material categories, and available emissions reductions.
2. Utilize the EC3 find & compare materials feature to source EPDs for products within material categories that meet performance/design requirements.
3. If products have EPDs already, require them in the specifications.
4. If products don't have EPDs already, request them from suppliers.
Resources:  Building Transparency to update standard specifications templates based on new projects and examples, for major material categories.


Procurement 1(Col)

Create standard embodied carbon bid language for included material categories.

Key Actions:  Utilize bid language to inform suppliers of request for or requirement of EPDs.
1. Utilize the EC3 tool to understand the supplier market and will or won't have EPDs available at time of bid.
2. Do early outreach with suppliers that EPDs will be requested at time of bid, to enable supplier to engage in EPD process early if they choose to.
3. Craft language to meet the current supplier market, either requesting or requiring EPDs alongside cost at time of bidding.


Procurement 2(Col)

Utilize embodied carbon data, alongside cost data, to inform selection of bidders.

Key Actions:  Create standard bid leveling sheet/analysis spreadsheet that includes embodied carbon data.
1. Include fields for:
if bidder provided EPDs;
if bidder would commit to providing EPD by end of construction;
if bidder would charge the project for EPD cost;
GWP/unit of material if EPD provided.
EC3 to include Bid Leveling Sheet by September 2021.


Construction 1(Col)

Create an as-built project to report realized embodied carbon.

Key Actions:  Collect as built quantities and embodied carbon data for included materials and input them into the EC3 tool.
1. Track as built quantities and EPDs as part of the submittal process.
2. Create an as built project in the EC3 tool, input as built quantity data and select EPDs for products installed.


Construction 2(Col)

Implement a materials sourcing and fuel plan with suppliers of major materials.

Key Actions:  Create standard supplier bid language and reporting forms.
1.Track material manufacturing location, distance travelled to site, mode of transportation and fuel type.
2. Identify and implement strategies to reduce material transport emissions (ie. alternative modes of transport, alternative fuels, transportation electrification).
3. Create summary sheet of transport emissions and report monthly to Project Team and Owner.
Building Transparency to provide template bid language and reporting forms.
Building Transparency to work with GC partners to provide case studies of site emissions reductions.


Construction 3(Col)

Implement a site emissions reduction plan.

Key Actions:  Create standard supplier bid language and reporting forms.
1. Track construction equipment fuel consumption per activity and material scope.
2. Identify and implement strategies to reduce equipment fuel emissions (ie. renewable diesel, alternative fuels, equipment electrification).
3. Create summary sheet of construction equipment emissions and report monthly to Project Team and Owner.
Building Transparency to provide template bid language and reporting forms.
Building Transparency to work with GC partners to provide case studies of site emissions reductions.


Construction 4(Col)

Implement a construction waste diversion plan to reduce materials to landfill.

Key Actions:  Create standard supplier bid language and reporting forms.
1. Track construction waste, including diversion rate.
2. Source separate waste for major material streams to enable higher recycling rate.
3. When creating a demolition plan, look for opportunities for deconstruction and salvage of materials to promote circular economy.
Building Transparency to provide template bid language and reporting forms.
Building Transparency to work with GC partners to provide case studies of site emissions reductions.


Use/Replacement 1(Col)

During Design Phase, include analysis of durability and performance of materials in selection process.
During Use Phase, promote longer replacement cycles of materials.
Key Actions - Design Phase:  Assess reference service life and durability of major materials to account for replacement cycles during the building use phase.
Key Actions - Use Phase:  Create standards around replacement cycles for key materials.
Steps - Design Phase:
1. Identify key materials that are typically replaced durign a building's life cycle.
2. Include the number of replacements and associated embodied carbon in analysis of proposed materials and products.
3. Prioritize use of materials with longer use cycles/fewer replacements during material and product selection.
Steps - Use Phase:
1. Assess current standards and practices for determining material replacement during a building's use phase.
2. Commit to replacement cycles based on material and product performance vs. a desired change in aesthetic/etc. and build this into building standards.


End of Life/Disposal 1(Col)

During Design Phase, include analysis of materials salvage, reuse and deconstruction for new and existing buildings included in scope.
During Construction Phase, require high percentage diversion from landfill.
Key Actions - Design Phase:  Include material reuse and design for disassembly when deciding on major structure and envelope systems and prioritize material with high recycled content during product selection and specification.
Key Actions - Construction Phase:  Create standards for construction waste diversion.
Steps - Design Phase:
1. Look for opportunities for materials reuse for components of new building and potential to design for disassembly.
2. If demolishing an existing building, look for opportunities for materials salvage and manufacturer take back programs.
3. Require high recycled content in specified and procured materials.
Steps - Construction Phase:
1. Include a high percentage construction waste diversion requirement in project requirements and contracts.
2. Include desire or requirement for a certain percentage of material salvage for reuse and/or commit to manufacturer materials take back programs, if demolishing an existing building.
